Purpose (and Performance)
The purpose of this website is to analyze the quantitatively cheapest 1% - 2% of common stocks on the planet as measured by price to value derived from basic elements of earning power and balance sheet position. As a group, this portfolio is likely to outperform the market significantly. We will, however, evaluate each stock to determine investment value - with the aim of continually improving investment performance, and business analysis. There is likely to be good cause for fear in each stock we analyze. We will seek to prioritize inherent stability as the key qualitative factor in our analysis. This could be trumped if the risk/reward equation is skewed in our favor (as it usually is with such cheap stocks, though not always). We are aware of the multiple biases that creep into a selective approach and the pitfalls in investment performance to those who attempt this. In any case, we press forward towards the goal of superior analysis. We hope this exercise will also enligh...